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 Arial drone

let us capture your wedding via air


Extra time on video and photo

Dont miss those special moments, we want to capture them regardless.


360 video spin booth

new for 2023 

you never know you may just see it pop up at your wedding 


To all the couples who’ve had to call-off their wedding because of COVID-19, I’m so sorry

This is no doubt a really upsetting time for many in Barbados and the rest of the world, especially for brides and grooms who were so close to their wedding day. Months, sometimes years of planning only for it now to be put on hold for reasons out of anyone's control. I think many of us wish , myself included, that when things reopen, everything would return to just as it was before. If your wedding day is in the upcoming months, you are undoubtedly already facing the reality that it will not be the day, or in the way you dreamed of.

Here, Melissa and Brad, who were due to get married in September, explain the heart ache they are feeling over the past few weeks. They shared, "we still want a celebration! We are obviously very distressed at not having the wedding we planned, but we think we will cancel the wedding as it is right now in its current form and plan a really amazing anniversary  party next year. We will most likely get married this year once the courthouses are open and we are allowed to get a marriage license. "

Stacy, who was to get married to her high school sweet heart, James, expresses, “I’ve cried a lot, shouted with anger and annoyance, felt totally let down and that none of this is fair. Some may see it as trivial but your wedding day becomes your project; you interject aspects of yourself and your partner into the preparations of that day because, ultimately, you want it to represent you – not only as individuals but as a couple. You want your guests to see this, alongside having a great time on the day.

Even though it is hard we have to stay positive and keep reminding ourselves that this will not be forever. If anything we'll appreciate things a little more and I believe this will be echoed on your wedding days.

Our fantastic team have been completely focused in supporting our couples and clients; offering possible date options and working through their individual needs, so that their wedding day will still be the one they dreamed of.

What can I do if guests can’t attend my new date?

It’s upsetting if there’s a possibility that not all of your intended guests will be able to make your new date, but there are some solutions you can explore.

We are offering live streaming options in order to involve guests that can’t be there – perhaps live streaming your ceremony.

Stay positive.

Although this may feel like a huge upheaval right now, remember that on your wedding day – whenever that may be – this will seem like a dim and distant memory. Your relationship will have survived a truly testing experience, and it will make the celebration of the love between you feel even more special, knowing what you overcame to get there. And, when it’s time for your big day, make sure you’re able to be present and really enjoy it.


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